Facebook post by Tiainen Niko
Lumen Rauma light festival started today and it runs every day from 5pm. to 10pm. untill 15th of January! It is great to be part of the festival as an artist, but it is even more great to be part of the amazing team who make this festival possible and alive!! Thank you Mikko Kiviharju, Camilo Sanchez, Antti Kulmala, Tommi Löytty, Joonas Nordman, Riku Ruohomäki, Jussi Börje Merikallio, Leila Stenfors, Jaakko Niemelä, Rauman Energia, S-Market Keula, TVO:n Olkiluodon ydinvoimala, Optikko Palmu, Rauman Taidegraafikot, Rakastunut Raumaan, Rauman kaupunki - City of Rauma. and special thanks for the curator Elina Tiainen for such an amazing work!!!